Oh What an Awful Feeling, Toyota… & Tiger

A Couple of Asian American Meltdowns

In a horrible economy where new cars aren’t selling at all, it’s un-fathomable that a leading automaker like Toyota could f@#k up so severely. To this date they have recalled 8 million cars with severe accelerator problems, a load of Prius green-mobiles with brake problems, Tacoma pick-ups, and now a potential recall of half a million Camry’s. Somebody break out the Saki cause there’s a meltdown going on in the land of the rising sun.

Japan Toyota RecallBut hold on to your bandannas, Tojo, because today a little bombshell came down the Tokyo expressway amidst the already massive heap of collateral damage. In an article on today’s AOL’s Daily Finance page, the following has been reported…

Several media sources report that an internal harikariToyota document from July 2009 entitled, “Wins for Toyota Safety Group,” says the firm saved $100 million by convincing the NHTSA to limit an accelerator recall to 55,000 Lexus and Camry models. The Wall Street Journal reports that, “The Toyota document, by linking safety issues to corporate profits, could prompt difficult questions for company executives, including President Akio Toyoda, who is scheduled to testify Wednesday before the Oversight Panel.”

168-Toyota_Plant_Closure.sff.embedded.prod_affiliate.71Now THIS is bad, bad, bad and could blow Toyota out of the water for good. Who the hell is going to put their trust in them when they cut corners in lieu of safety… AND, people have already died from it.

Again from the article…

The collateral damage from Toyota’s apparent repeated efforts to dodge recalls or delay them, jeopardizing customer safety, will hit the company’s dealers, who are already suffering from falling sales. Factory workers in the U.S. and Japan will also be affected. And the problems have already extended to Europe, where Toyota will close plants in the U.K. for two weeks.

My immediate thinking is, “Does this help our friends in Detroit?” I personally think it has to. Now I’m not rooting against Toyota by any means. They employ thousands of U.S. workers in their plants and dealerships, and think of all the American based suppliers that they use. Like I said, the Big 3 in Detroit know the feeling all too well. But I have to imagine that Toyota’s sales will see a monumental drop and if so, I can only hope that those who are looking elsewhere will help the peeps at Ford, GM, and Chrysler. I wonder how log before Toyota’s CEO falls on his sword.

And while we’re on the subject of f@#k-ups…

tiger-woods-christmas-photo-with-wife-beaten-up-funnyTiger Woods, you lying, sack of shit. Your apology was calculated and crafted, and written by professional spin masters you paid dearly to save you beaver-toothed ass. And please tell me this… why are you apologizing to me? What the hell do I give a rat’s 5-iron about your pathetic ego trip and sexual escapades. Okay, so you’re getting it a lot more than me. You’re worth a hundred million bucks, bro, and you could get anyone you wanted (can’t figure out that fat, haggy-ass waitress, though. I mean you have a Swedish super model for a wife… God, men are such idiots.)

TigerShhhhSo whoop de doozer, Tiggy. I can’t believe that you are apologizing to me? Get a grip you egotistical dirtbag. Apologize to your wife, your family, and the people who rely on you financially. Now THOSE are the ones who really got shtooped. Those are the people taking it high and dry and you ought to think about making up to them. If you really feel bad and want to toss me a few bucks, okay, I’ll play your little game. But face it dude, right now you’re in the rough, with a terrible lie. (Wow, nice use of golf-punnage there Zmanster.) The world is watching to see how you play your next shot.

siglo-limited-reserve-cigarsBTW… Smoked a couple of the new Dona Lydia this weekend and God Dayum is that one delicious cigar. Beautiful flavor profile and rolled impeccably. A definite must try for you stogiphiles. Also did a Siglo as well. Had it aging a few months and man does it kick some ass. Say… I bet if you looked on the JR Website you just might find some boxes of these puppies. Just sayin..

Til next week, Later to all,

Tommy Z

JR Cigars Blog With the Zman

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